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  • Writer's pictureRhovonda Brown

Embrace 21

Look who’s turning 21! OMG! My one and only son became legal today!! Wow! What can I say about this son of mine? There’s so much to say. He’s one of my inheritance from the Lord.

“Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 127:3 AMP

What a magnificent gift and blessing to be a mother and grandmother! I am overjoyed and deeply grateful to be called mom and to have a daughter and a son.

I must say. I cannot believe my son is 21. My where did the time go! I praise God for every year and for allowing me to see my son celebrate his 21st birthday. There are many men of color who did not live to see 21 and my heart goes out to them. I pray peace and comfort for mothers whose sons’ (and daughters) lives were taken from them suddenly, by violence, and/or illness. Nothing can replace a loss. This is why my heart is filled with appreciation and gratitude as it could have been me. I am thankful that we can celebrate my son’s birthday today. I bless God and rejoice in His favor!

“For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8:35 NIV

Son, I celebrate you and honor God today for your accomplishments, your setbacks, your gifts and talents, your struggles, your kind heart, sense of humor, meek and humble spirit. I worship God for the new life you found in our Savior, Jesus Christ. I celebrate your life, the ministry God has birth in you, and the journey He has you on. It hasn’t always been a smooth ride but God has been faithful. And He will always be! He continues to strengthen and empower you –all for His glory and name sake.

As you embark on a new chapter in your life, take delight in every experience. Yes, take it all in, son! Don’t miss a thing! Be amazed at all that God shows you. Keep your eyes on Him and your hand in His hand. God and only God will get you through whatever life throws your way. Stay focus!! Don’t get distracted or anxious (Phil. 4:6-7; 1 Pet. 5:7; Matt. 6:25-34). Keep looking at God!

God has an awesome plan and future for your life (Jer. 29:11)! That’s a promise He made to you and me. I cannot wait to see all of your dreams manifest in the earthly realm! God is already revealing bits and pieces of them to you. So keep living for Him. Keep worshipping Him through your instruments and voice!! Keep serving Him! Keep trusting Him with your dreams, believing that they will most certainly come to past.

Remember who you are, Kaleb, and what your name means: faithful, bold, and brave. Now walk in the authority and power God has given you!! Embrace 21, Son, and have a spectacular birthday celebrating you!!

Kaleb covering “The Way You Look Tonight” and playing for his grandfather Leo and family. My grandsons enjoyed the music as well.

We love you more than you will ever imagine…and God loves you so much more!


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