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Writer's picture: Rhovonda BrownRhovonda Brown

There have been times when I sat in church, during a worship experience but felt nothing. There was praise in the atmosphere and people were worshipping God all around me, but I felt nothing – I felt so disconnected. The presence of God could literally be felt and seen, but I sat in the midst of it all feeling unplugged. I felt like a stranger who was so out of place, so detached. I didn’t like that feeling. Something was missing.

Something was missing and that something was my worship. I was in the right place, at the right time, but I wasn’t doing the right thing. I wasn’t worshipping. My mind wasn’t on God, but on other things. I was sitting in church, in a place where true praise and true worship unto God were being rendered, but I was down in the dumps, feeling alone and out of place. I had all those emotions clouding my thoughts, so I couldn’t release my worship or my praise.

Worship is ╬he key!

Our worship to God is what keeps us linked to Him. When we worship God, we connect with Him. At times, it’s very hard to worship our Father when our lives are in a whirlwind, when our thoughts are consumed with crazy things. Sometimes, it’s hard to push past our problems, our feelings, and place all our thoughts on God. At times, it’s a battle! It’s real hard to connect to God when we’re feeling detached and unplugged from Him. But if we’d worship Him our worship would ignite a fire inside of us. Our worship would connect us to the Holy Spirit, who would connect us to Jesus, who would place us in the presence of God.

╬ How do we worship? ╬

Simply concentrate on God! Think about Him. Think about His Holiness. Think about His Perfection. Think about who He is – the Only Living God who reigns forever and ever!! Think about His existence and marvel at His Power. Think about how He’s been here before the beginning of time, and He’ll be here when time is no more. Think about His unwavering, faithful love for His people. Think about His goodness toward us.

Sing praises to Him! Praise Him and thank Him for His forgiveness. Think about how we have been forgiven. Think about Jesus and how He has pardoned our sins. Keep thinking about Him, keep thanking Him, and keep praising Him. Soon, your thoughts, your thanksgiving, and your praise will spill over into worship. Give God honor. Show Him reverence and admiration. Give Him what He so justly deserves – all of our attention. Now, that’s how we worship Him!

On that particular day, the noise in my head was so bad that I had to cover up my ears with my hands and push past the noise. I kept thinking about God and thanking Him. Before long, I was no longer a spectator feeling disconnected, and out of place. Soon, I became a participator in the worship experience, and the weight on my shoulders began to fall off. Why? Because I worshipped.

Israel & New Breed – To worship You I live (live)

Is the noise blocking your worship? Is your mind filled with other stuff? Too overwhelmed to worship? Feeling disconnected and out of place during worship service? Worship God! Cover your ears from the noise and worship Him. Sing! Ignite that fire and connect to God! Worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. Worship Him in spirit and in truth! And, that’s sure to get you over any hump.

It’s Wednesday – Hump Day! My sister, here’s a Bible principle to get you over the hump.

 “Give to the LORD, O families of the peoples,

Give to the LORD glory and strength.

Give to the LORD the glory due His name;

Bring an offering, and come into His courts.

Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness!

Tremble before Him, all the earth.” 

(Ps. 96:7-9, NKJV)


*Originally posted 1/9/13.

Rhovonda L. Brown is speaker and author of two bestsellers, Walking in Freedom!: A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey for Women and At Least Say, “Thank You!”: An 8-Day Devotional Plan for a Grateful Heart. 

Copyright ©2010-2016. Rhovonda L. Brown. All Rights Reserved.

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